Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Review: In a New York Minute

In a New York Minute In a New York Minute by Kate Spencer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


I really could not put this one down and I was rather bothered that my schedule was not allowing for me to just sit and read! #InANewYorkMinute by Kate Spencer reads just like a rom-com movie - the perfect blend of humor and sweetness, all wrapped up with plenty of endearing awkwardness, magnetic attraction, and a sweet journey of self-discovery. Fanny and Hayes have an adorably mortifying 'meet-cute' for the social media era and their suddenly intertwining lives are left trying to make sense of the weirdness - and could it be...attraction? - between them. I love the way Spencer writes with such seamless inclusivity in her cast of characters & the NYC setting and authentic 'friends that are family' dynamics kept me completely invested. The character development within both Fanny and Hayes hooked me in as they each work through their own paths with family, work, friends and discover what it is they really are (& are not) looking for in someone else. Love really does feel easy and comfortable when it just fits between two people and I adored the way Spencer captures that in this slow-burn, modern romance. Sometimes rom-coms rely heavily on the steam and I sort of appreciated that this one really built up the connection and that that fueled the attraction. It's a 4-star read for me and I look forward to seeing what Kate Spencer writes next!
Thanks to #NetGalley & #ForeverGrandCentralPublishing for the chance to preview this prior to its upcoming March 14, 2022 pub date! Definitely put it on your TBR list for next spring!

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Well Matched by Jen DeLuca My rating: 4 of 5 stars View all my reviews